by Moses | Dec 8, 2021 | Fine Art, lifestyle, Poetry, Surf, Tips, Uncategorized
World Photographic Cup! I am super happy to announce that I have been chosen to have that honor bestowed on me and alongside 17 other amazing photographers Today is an exciting day!!! ???????????????????????? I am so honored to part of Team USA and compete for the...
by San Diego Moses Photography | May 28, 2021 | Tips
It’s that time of year again. The sun’s out, air conditioners and fans are starting to work more and more, and many of us are excited at the prospect of being out finally after a tough year inside. Here in Hawaii, we’re starting to see the usual influx of tourists...
by San Diego Moses Photography | May 27, 2021 | Tips
Tip 1: Just shoot photos—really, shoot photos. The great thing about digital is you can make mistakes and you can also create a great composition and learn how to create composition a lot faster. Tip 2: Expose for your highlights, not your shadows. The difference...